Northern Corridor Highway Position and Rationale
Background on the Red Cliffs National Conservation Area and the Northern Corridor Highway
8. State your preference for alternatives outside of Red Cliffs Background For the first time in the decades-long history of the Northern Corridor Highway, transportation alternatives located outside Red…
7. The highway would require damaging changes to the Red Cliffs’ management plans What the Draft EIS does or doesn’t say: Changes to management plans necessary to accommodate…
6. Impacts to homeowners are not adequately addressed What the Draft EIS does or doesn’t say: Noise, light, litter, scenic, recreational, health, and property value impacts to homeowners near…
5. The cumulative effects are not adequately addressed What the Draft EIS does or doesn’t say: The Draft EIS states that it’s important to analyze the compounding impact the…
3. The precedent-setting nature of the Northern Corridor Highway has not been considered What the Draft EIS does or doesn’t say: The NCH is an acceptable solution despite the…
2. BLM failed to select the best alternative in preferring the NCH What the Draft EIS does or doesn’t say: The BLM-preferred alternative for the NCH travels through the…