CDF Water Position

1. Conserve and manage our local water supplies first: be exemplary stewards of our own sources before looking elsewhere for more. 2. The Colorado River and the Lake Powell Pipeline are high risk. 3. Aquatic and riparian environments and water quality standards should to be maintained. Click the link below to read more… Click Here:…


Water Sustainability Workshop

Water Workshop: A Comprehensive Approach to Achieving Water and Financial Sustainability in Washington County The reports, the powerpoint and the video from the event are posted on our web page at Water Workshop Resources. Agenda Tom Ash resume Read More information. about the event. The workshop was made possible with funding from a grant from…


Bike and walking Trail Planning

The Dixie Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) (in collaboration with participant cities, Southern Utah Bicycle Alliance, and the Utah Department of Transportation) is soliciting Requests for Qualifications and Proposal from qualified consultants to create a Regional Bicycle / Pedestrian Transportation Plan to be included in the Dixie 2015-2040 Regional Transportation Plan. The MPO’s intent is to…


Lake Powell & Hydropower

Recently, our executive director got the chance to sit down with KUTV and talk about the minimum power pool levels of Lake Powell. Sound really boring? Well, the hydropower from Glen Canyon Dam provides electricity for some 6 million people! While there’s been a huge amount of snowpack this year, longer term simulations are showing…
