How to Submit Your Scoping Comment

How to Submit Your Scoping Comment – Due Monday January 6, 2020 You may submit written comments by any of the following methods: Best Method- Email: Please don’t forget to also email a copy of your comment to She will keep track of comment numbers so that nobody’s voice is left out. 2nd…



Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) are working together to analyze the proposed Northern Corridor Highway and Zone 6 Mitigation. What is Zone 6 They need our help to do this during the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process. Scoping is the first step in the (NEPA) process. It…


Wildlife and Plants in the NCA/Reserve

Northern Corridor Highway impacts to wildlife. READ MORE Shivwits Milkvetch, endangered Virgin River chub, endangered Woundfin, endangered  California condor, endangered  Mexican spotted owl, threatened  Southwestern willow flycatcher, endangered Western yellow-billed cuckoo, threatened  Bonneville cutthroat trout, BLM sensitive Desert sucker, BLM sensitive Flannel-mouth sucker, BLM sensitive  Virgin spinedace, BLM sensitive  American white pelican, BLM sensitive  Bald…


Personal Testimony

Introduce Yourself! The BLM wants to learn how you, your family, and your community will be affected by the proposed Northern Corridor Highway (whether you live here or not!). Take 10 minutes to write a paragraph or two that answers some of the following questions: *Short on time? Just answer the first 3 questions in…
