For Kids and Lands

Have you been looking for a voice of reason in Utah’s Public Lands Debate? Check out For Kids and Lands a group of citizens, educators and proponents of public education who have organized against HB 148. Please visit their website and sign their petition today.


Protected Lands Promote Jobs and Higher Incomes

A recent report by Headwaters Economics finds that the West’s popular national parks, monuments, wilderness areas and other public lands offer its growing high-tech and services industries a competitive advantage, which is a major reason why the western economy has outperformed the rest of the U.S. economy in key measures of growth–employment, population, and personal…


Snow Canyon 1998 Resource Management Plan

As you know, since last February there have been on-going discussions by local officials to transfer Snow Canyon State Park to Washington County. Frustratingly, until now, these discussions have not included the public and citizens have been left in the dark about what was happening. Friends of Snow Canyon (FoSC) has been working diligently to…
