Stop the Northern Corridor Highway from cutting through your backyard!

View of Green Springs from inside the proposed Northern Corridor Highway right-of-way.

Three actions for busy people to safeguard your backyard and the Red Cliffs National Conservation Area.

1) Have 30 seconds? Sign up for Homeowners Against the Highway updates (see Step 1 below).

2) Have 60 seconds? Sign the Homeowners Against the Highway Petition (see Step 2 below).

3) Have 3-10 minutes? Participate in the Northern Corridor Highway Public Comment Period (see Step 3 below).

Photos by Steve Horne.

As a resident of Green Springs, Brio or Warm Springs, you likely value your close proximity to Red Cliffs National Conservation Area, direct access to hiking trails, the serene quiet, breathtaking views and high property values.

Unfortunately, all of this and more is at risk due to the proposed Northern Corridor Highway, which would connect to the existing Washington Parkway and pass through Red Cliffs and just 300-1500 feet from the edge of Green Springs, Brio and Warm Springs. Traffic volume would exceed 32-46 thousand vehicles per day by the year 2040.

Three Steps to Protect Red Cliffs and the Neighborhoods Next-door

1- Sign Up for Homeowners Against the Highway Updates (30 seconds): To ensure you’re promptly informed about upcoming opportunities to share your concerns, please fill out the form below to join our homeowners-focused mailing list. Your privacy is paramount to us and we will never share your contact information.

Sign up to stay updated!

* indicates required

2- Sign the Petition (60 seconds): Join the “Homeowners Against the Highway” by signing the petition (also below).

3- Participate in the Northern Corridor Highway Public Comment Period (5-10 minutes): Although the BLM Public Comment Period ended on July 9th, you can still share your concerns about the Northern Corridor Highway with the Washington City Council.

Prepared text that addresses major impacts caused by the highway is available for your use. Personalize your comment by including a few sentences about how the highway would impact you as a homeowner.

Email your comment to:


Why do Homeowners Oppose the Northern Corridor Highway?

Homeowners Against the Highway Petition

We, the residents of Green Springs, Brio and Warm Springs, oppose construction of the Northern Corridor Highway (NCH) through the Red Cliffs National Conservation Area (NCA). We support continued protection for the Red Cliffs NCA, because its values – including scenery, recreation, natural quiet, dark night skies, wildlife and refuge from the nation’s fastest-growing metro area – enrich our lives. [1]

The NCH would reduce our property values, health and safety, and quality of life.

This highway would carry 32-46 thousand vehicles per day by 2040, and would travel less than 1/10 mile from many of our homes, exposing our families to traffic noise, light and air pollution on a daily basis.[2][3]

The stunning scenery, tranquility, trails and protected habitat for threatened wildlife that we, and hundreds of thousands of area residents and visitors, enjoy in the Red Cliffs NCA would be negatively impacted.

Finally, we are deeply concerned about the risk of catastrophic wildfire associated with the highway, and reference the 2020 Turkey Farm Road Fire, which caused evacuation of Green Springs residences, as a stark example of this danger.[4][5]

We ask that the Washington City Council support one of the excellent transportation alternatives to the NCH located outside of the Red Cliffs NCA.

The Red Hills Parkway Expressway and St. George Boulevard/100 South One-way Couplet have been analyzed to reduce traffic congestion and travel time more successfully than the NCH[6] at a similar or smaller cost.[7] 

Join us in opposing the NCH for the harm it would cause to homeowners, and for the dangerous precedent it would set in undermining the protection of conservation lands nationwide.


The Residents of Green Springs, Brio and Warm Springs

Join the Community Movement to Protect Red Cliffs for the Future

Conserve Southwest Utah is organizing neighborhood meetings on the Northern Corridor Highway. Get to know your neighbors and learn how to become a strong advocate for your wild backyard! If you would like to attend or host a meeting, email:

Questions? Please email

The 2020 Turkey Farm Road Fire caused homeowners to evacuate Green Springs. Studies show that the Northern Corridor Highway would lead to an increased risk of catastrophic wildfire that could impact homeowners in Green Springs, Brio and Warm Springs.

Are There Transportation Alternatives to the Northern Corridor Highway?

Yes! Engineers selected by Washington County have studied the Northern Corridor Highway and five alternatives, including two located outside of the Red Cliffs NCA and away from Green Springs. They have repeatedly published reports showing that the Red Hills Parkway Expressway and St. George Blvd. / 100 South One-way Couplet alternatives would perform better than the Northern Corridor Highway at reducing traffic congestion and travel time at a smaller cost.

Highway proponents are currently sharing misinformation about the Red Hills Parkway Expressway Alternative. Engineers admit that its design plan is less than 10% complete, so any potential impacts to businesses are premature and avoidable.

The Red Hills Parkway Expressway would connect two existing roads, I-15 and Red Hills Parkway, to reduce east-west traffic congestion in Washington County.